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April 2023 - Present

My job is to teach programming languages , DSA , Web Dev and help students in their assignments and various projects.

2020 - Present

My job is to teach programming languages , DSA , Web Dev and help students in their assignments and various projects.

Jan 2022 - Aug 2022

My job is to teach programming languages , DSA , Web Dev and help students in their assignments and various projects.

My job is to teach programming languages and help students in their assignments and various projects.

& Expertise

  •  Programming Languages: JAVA  JavaScript .

  • Data Structure & Algorithm (JAVA) 

  • Web Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, Spring Boot.

  •  Development tools: Eclipse , Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ Idea. 

  • Database : MySQL, Mongo DB.

  •  Frameworks and tools: Bootstrap 4, Express.js, Spring Boot. 

  • Repositories and Version control : Git and GitHub

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